Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Appreciation of Housework and Children

My vacation is now over and I'm back at work. I miss being home with my kids and being able to do things with them anytime I want to. I loved being a stay-at-home mom because I got to go on field trips, be a room parent, team mom and have "the house" that all the kids love hang around in.

The other day I asked my husband to check his lottery tickets to see if he'd won so I could quit my job. I long for the days when I cleaned my own house every day, folded towels and laundry and had my house organized. I've already made up my mind that if we somehow become independently wealthy, I will still drive a Nissan X-terra, live in my own house (remodeled and landscaped, of course) and clean and do my own laundry. Once again I'm reminded that the simple pleasures in life are the ones that are most important. Things like washing the floors, having time to sit down and help with the homework and going on field trips with the kids are what matters to me.

On Tuesday I enrolled my son for his second year in high school. Tomorrow I enroll my daughter in 7th grade. . .where is the time going? How is it possible that these two precious babies I so lovingly cuddled, nutured and loved can be more than half way through their school years? Unfortunately, the nature of children is that they are temporary gifts from God. Parents often forget that the baby they bring home from the hospital will not be that way forever. One of the ironies of parenthood is that if you do a good job with your children, they become independent and leave you. The upside of that is that they grow into the most incredible adults; I've seen it with my older son and daughter.

Please remember to be patient and appreciate the beautiful gift that your children are. The Lord has only loaned them to us for a very short time.

God bless our troops all over the world. Please say a special prayer for the 14 killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq, some of whom were stationed at Schofield Barracks where my son-in-law is stationed.

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