Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mid Summer Afternoon Ramblings

Today is the last day of July 2007. Before too long, August will be almost over and the kids will be getting ready to return to school. Is it my imagination, or are summers getting shorter and shorter?

Even as a mom, summer is my favorite season of the year. Summer means no homework deadlines, no rushing to do laundry on Sunday night, no lunches to worry about, having the whole evening to sit outside with my family and no bedtimes to enforce. Being a responsible parent is harder than I imagined. Keeping my children pointed in the right direction is challenging but worth all the effort. I've already seen the fruits of my efforts in my older two children and it gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

In a couple of weeks I'll be on vacation again. We've made plans to camp at the beach again and maybe take a trip to Laughlin. I hope everyone has time to spend with their families playing, talking and just enjoying each other.

Please pray for our troops and add a prayer for my cousin, Jan, who will be deployed to Iraq tomorrow. I will be adding another yellow ribbon to my tree tomorrow. The first one is for my son-in-law Thomas, the second will be for Jan.

God bless everyone and have a wonderful rest-of-summer!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Swimming Pool (Original Version)

(Note: This was posted on MySpace July 8, 2006. It's being published here to provide readers the opportunity to compare last year's experience with this year's.)

Today it's 99 degrees where we live and I don't really mind. I love the heat so summer is my favorite season. Last week we went to Rita's house for a little socializing and cooling off in her pool. We had such a great time, Ray and I went out and bought a 4' X 15' pool for our backyard last Sunday morning. He set up the pool and filled it with water and the kids have been enjoying it all week. Yesterday was my day off but had other stuff to take care of so I didn't have a chance to get in. This morning, I had my nails done then Ray and I went to the local pool supply store to pick up some floating toys for our pool. We all got in and had a great time together, as a family. It didn't matter that I can sit on the bottom of the pool with my head out of the water, it still felt great! There was more than enough water for me to float around on my lounge and the kids and I had a blast making a whirlpool by swimming around and around. We even played a few rounds of "Marco Polo"!

It was relaxing and fun to spend the afternoon cooling off and splashing around in the pool with our kids. I can't wait to get in again tomorrow! Stay cool and take advantage of the simple things in life.

God bless everyone!

The Swimming Pool Revisited

This morning my husband and I got up at 7 a.m. to fulfill a promise to our kids that we would set up the 4' X 18' pool we purchased for them in late May. With softball tournaments, All Star games and practices taking precedence over almost everything else, the kids (and me) had to wait a long time.

We started out by opening the box (always a smart way to begin!), and pulling out all the pieces. Soon we were unwrapping parts, snapping things together and sweating up a storm! Trust me, there's nothing like the smell of fresh plastic to give you the head rush we all craved in the 70's! Once we had the top ring put together, Ray decided we needed two more sets of hands and went in to wake the kids. When they came out, we began the comedy of picking up the pool and moving it left, then right, then back left a tad, then closer to the wall, etc. Finally it was placed as close to the mark as we could get it and we began putting the pads on the end of the poles and straightening the whole thing out. As I'm sitting here on my computer, I am satisfied with the knowledge that tomorrow we can all jump into the icy water and relax! Of course, I can't wait to see the water bill next month...

By the way, the title of this post is "The Swimming Pool Revisited" because last year on MySpace I posted "The Swimming Pool". The difference between last year's swimming pool and this year's is that last year I didn't have to get up early and sweat 10 pounds away putting it up! I will post my last year's version of "The Swimming Pool" and you can compare the two experiences.

Please continue to pray for our troops and their families. God bless everyone and go swimming if you have the chance!

Friday, July 27, 2007

End of the Season & A New Me!

The last couple of months have been quite busy with Nikki's softball games and summer activities. Softball ended last weekend and, as busy as we were every weekend, I can honestly say that I will miss the games and the team very much. This was a great group of girls and parents, we all got along well and had fun supporting the team.

There is something else that I've been doing in my personal life and now I feel is the time to mention it. I've been working hard to improve my health with diet and exercise and have managed to lose 38 pounds in the process! I've had a life-long battle with weight and even managed to overcome it for about 10 years of my life. But as I began to age, the pounds began cementing themselves to my body and the result was a much larger me. I finally got to a place where I couldn't stand myself anymore and was so unhappy I decided to just do it. So I embarked on my diet plan and have stayed with it for the last few months. I guess the thing that makes it work for me is that I set a simple goal for myself (i.e. lose 5 pounds), then when I reach it I feel the accomplishment and get refocused on the next goal. Trust me, it's a lot easier to lose 5 pounds than it is to lose 20! I have also become very aware of the number of calories I consume in a day and the number of calories I can eat to lose or maintain my weight. It's been a real learning experience but it's definitely becoming a way of life for me.

Now that softball is over for the time being, I also plan to go to the gym on a regular basis. A few years ago I went 5 days a week and still have the muscle tone in my legs to prove it. I can't wait to begin building the muscles in my body again. It's very hard to describe the feeling I get from cardio and lifting weights but I can compare it to being elevated above all the problems in my life. If anyone knows what I mean and has a better description or explanation, please feel free to let me know.

Please pray for our troops, they really need our support now that the desert heat is upon them. God bless everyone!

P.S. Now that softball is over, I'll have more time for my blog. Be sure and tell your friends to check me out sometime!

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Fairy Tale

This is the fairy tale that should have been read to us girls when we were little:

Once upon a time in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle. The frog hopped into the princess' lap and said, " Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I will turn backinto the dapper, young prince that I am and then, my sweet, we can marry and set up housekeeping in your castle with my mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so."

That night, as the princess dined sumptuously on lightly sauteed frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled and thought to herself, "I don't freakin' think so."

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone! Please celebrate safely, don't drink and drive and make sure all the elderly people in your life are well hydrated and have an opportunity to cool down today. Also, if you have pets give them plenty of water and bring them in if there are fireworks in your neighborhood.

Say a prayer of thanks for our troops and their families.

God bless America!